The most important way to prevent hair breakage is to have a trusted moisturizing routine. It can be difficult to find exactly what product works for you and this may be the reason why you have 100 products and no results. This post is designed to inform you on the importance of knowing your hair's porosity level. Once you know that only then can you move forward in moisturizing your hair according to your crown's unique needs.

What is hair porosity?
Hair porosity is how well moisture is allowed into and retained inside of the hair cuticle. Hair porosity has been sectioned into three categories those being low, medium, and high porosity. Expected the definition to be longer? Well it's just that simple and once you understand your own hair's porosity level then the moisturizing process will be simple as well.
Low porosity
If you take a strand of your hair and view it under a high definition microscope then you will be able to see the true structure of your hair cuticle. A low porosity hair strand lacks the "opening" appearance which means it is hard for moisture to get inside. This means you can slap on product all day and night and it will just sit right on top of your hair with no true benefit. This does not meant that you shouldn't attempt to moisturize your hair. According to Naturally Curly, "Low porosity hair requires moisturizers rich in emollients such as shea butter, jojoba oil, coconut oil and mineral oil. It also benefits from humectant products, which attract and hold moisture to your hair. Choose lighter, liquid-based products such as hair milks that won't sit on your hair and leave it oily or greasy."
Medium porosity
We would all love for our hair to be right in the middle of the porosity scale right? The answer should be wrong because remember we are all on this unique natural hair journey and with the right information we can manage and grow our hair. So again I remind you to respect and appreciate your journey. Now the medium porosity hair strand allows moisture in and allows moisture out, but just the right amount of both so that there is a balance. Naturally Curly recommends, "Occasional deep conditioning treatments with protein conditioners can benefit medium porosity hair, but proteins should not be included in your daily regimen.".
High porosity
Well hello to the crowns who let moisture in and let it right back out just as fast. The cuticle for this type of hair is more open and that is why retaining moisture seems to be more difficult. Your best friend will be the sealant method which will allow you to lock in the moisture that you apply to your hair. Naturally Curly states, " Because highly porous hair can also lose moisture easily, it's important to use leave-in conditioners, moisturizers and sealers. Layering these products will help your hair hold on to the moisture you're giving it. You can even follow up with a heavy hair butter to help fill the gaps in your damaged cuticles and further protect your hair from losing too much moisture."
How do I check my hair's porosity level?
The most effective way to check your hair's porosity is to do the cup test. The cup test requires taking a few strands of your hair without any product on the strands and placing them in a cup of room temperature water. Wait about two to four minutes and observe your findings. If you hair sunk it is high porosity, if it remained afloat then it is low porosity, and if it is floating in the middle of the water then it is medium porosity. Now that you have the information you need it is time to go find out your porosity level! It is great to know this information so that you can manage your hair better and you can also help your stylist manage your hair better.